True accessibility experts through life experience
In 2014, following a personal accident, the journey of navigating life with a disability began. I quickly realized that many companies and professionals struggled to provide meaningful solutions to the challenges faced by people with a disability using their products, facilities, and services. More often than not, accessibility was just an expensive afterthought and limited to a wheelchair-friendly entrance. Those who sought help in this regard relied on advice from experts.
Experts like architects and designers, despite their skills, often fail to provide effective accessibility solutions due to their limited understanding of disabilities. Organizations relying solely on these professionals tend to receive inadequate solutions that don’t meet the actual needs of people with disabilities.
Fast forward a decade, and the landscape remains largely unchanged. All this stands in stark contrast with the fact that most professionals and organizations agree their location, products and services should be completely accessible to people with a disability.
There’s still an evident gap between professional- and lived understanding across most sectors. Be it hotels, retailers, hospitals, schools, public transportation, airlines, government services, companies, or entire industries, many just don’t get the details right. The solution is simple: listen to those who live with these challenges every day. That’s where I come in, implementing genuine end-to-end accessibility, because at Makt Consulting we’re all about making sure everyone understands and meets the unique needs of their colleagues, clients and customers with disabilities.
Wondering if your organization is on the right track? Reach out and ask for a quick review, free of charge!